Supplement Reviews



    Health review following completion of your health questionnaire

    1 x 45 minute consultation

    1 x 15 minute check-in call 6 weeks following consultation

    Supplement plan

    10% off recommended supplements from the Natural Dispensary

    Price - £99

    Choosing the correct supplements and knowing if you even need to take any can be a complete minefield.

    There are also big differences in the quality and purity of many supplements on the market - if you're taking them you want to ensure you're taking the best for you and they're actually doing what they should.

    If you are trying to conceive then supplements are extremely important, but there is so much misinformation out there knowing exactly what you should be taking is again a complete minefield.

    If you're on medications supplements may be necessary to help replenish what they are depleting....BUT interactions between the two should ALWAYS be checked to ensure the supplements are not negatively impacting your medications. Your safety is paramount.